2023/11/24 - Eco Friendly Fabrics and Sheers at Ivory T - fabric & wallpaper

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Eco Friendly Fabrics Available 

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Ivory T - fabric & wallpaper

Suitable for Curtains and Upholstery 


Eco Fabrics and Sheers with Ivory T - fabric & wallpaper

Always trying to work with our environment for the right style and look, but we also like to keep our footprints small.

We now have more and more eco friendly fabrics from companies like Zepel - Naturama, Rewind, Twister, Sunlight / Wortley Group - Everest / Prestigious Textiles - Harlow, Whisp, Meadow and so much more.

Compositions are of Recycled Polyesters and Organic Cotton Blends to give you durability and softness.

The fabrics are also durable enough for upholstering and versitile for Curtains, Roman Blinds, Cushions and more.

Choosing eco-friendly fabrics and sheers not only benefits the environment and reduces our carbon footprint but it means we'll be exposed to fewer harmful chemicals too.


Feel free to contact us for your decorating needs (ivoryt@bigpond.com)

Ivory T - fabric & wallpaper Showroom 5-7 / 20 King Street Caboolture (Thursday - Friday - Saturday 9-4) Inside Arcade

Ph 3256 9388 (Call Monday - Saturday)

Measure and Quotes (Monday - Saturday)

Servicing - Brisbane - Moreton Bay - Sunshine Coast


Images from Zepel / Prestigious Textiles