2023/11/04 - Summer Coastal Designs

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Summer Coastal Designs with

Ivory T - fabric & wallpaper

Helping you with our vast selection of Fabrics, Sheers and Wallpapers. To help you find the right look and style for your home.



Summer is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to embrace that coastal living vibe! Whether you’re by the beach or simply want to infuse your home with a touch of Hamptons elegance, interior decorating can help you achieve that relaxed, beachy feel.

Here are some decorating tips to create a coastal-inspired oasis in your home

Natural and Neutral Tones: Start with a base of natural and neutral colours. Think sandy beige, soft whites, and muted blues. These tones evoke the tranquility of the ocean and sandy shores.

Organic Textures: Incorporate organic textures like jute, rattan, and linen. Consider adding a jute rug, woven baskets, or linen curtains. These materials bring warmth and a sense of nature indoors.

Sheers and Curtains: Consider lightweight sheer curtains. They allow natural light to filter through while maintaining privacy. For a more substantial look, layer them with heavier curtains in a neutral colour.

Quality Fabrics and Linings: Opt for curtains and blinds made from durable materials.  Curtains with Linings will enhance insulation, room darkening, and energy efficiency.

Pops of Colour: While neutrals dominate, don’t shy away from adding pops of color. Coastal hues like seafoam green, coral, or turquoise work beautifully. Consider accent pillows, wall art, or even a colorful throw.

Wallpaper or Wall Murals: Wall murals can transport you to a beachside paradise. Consider a mural depicting crashing waves, palm trees, or a serene sunset. It’s a statement piece that sets the tone for the entire room.

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between relaxed coastal style and refined Hamptons elegance. We can help you to create your beach-inspired haven!


Feel free to contact us for your decorating needs (ivoryt@bigpond.com)

IvoryT - fabric & wallpaper Showroom 5-7 / 20 King Street Caboolture (Thursday - Friday - Saturday 9-4) Inside Arcade

Ph 3256 9388 (Monday - Saturday)

Measure and Quote (Monday - Saturday)

Servicing - Brisbane - Moreton Bay - Sunshine Coast